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Summary of Question:Re: Why aren't even Sikh women attracted to bearded, turbaned Sikh men
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/08/2000 9:50 PM MST
i'm writing in response to the man that asked about sikh women not being attracted to men with turbans. i'm 24 and have lived in canada all my life and i think its because we are used to the westernized image of men. we want what surrounds us. until a year ago, i also did not want to marry a man who was not clean shaven, then i found a man with a turban and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. i find him extremely attractive, inside and out. his turban defines who he is, he would not be the same person if he was clean shaven. i admire him, and any man with a turban, for having the confidence in himself and his faith to be proud of himself and show that pride despite the negitivity from, and naivete of, people of our own faith.

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. . Re: Why aren't even Sikh women attracted to bearded, turbaned Sikh men (02/27/2000)
. . Re: Why aren't even Sikh women attracted to bearded, turbaned Sikh men (03/08/2000)
. . Re: Why aren't even Sikh women attracted to bearded, turbaned Sikh men (04/13/2000)
Why aren't even Sikh women attracted to bearded, turbaned Sikh men (01/04/2000)
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